Paper wasps in New Zealand
Polistes paper wasps are introduced pests in New Zealand gardens. Or are they?
Polistes paper wasps are introduced pests in New Zealand gardens. Or are they?
A deep dive into white butterfly – one of the most common and destructive pests in Kiwi gardens.
A deep dive into everything you need to know about your garden’s soils and improving them naturally.
A deep dive into all things worm farming.
Some edible flowers you can get easily established in your garden.
Organic farmers know comfrey as a ‘dynamic accumulator’ – bringing deeply buried nutrients to the surface to feed my fruit trees.
Pruning paste is helpful for keeping your fruit trees healthy after pruning.
I’m feeling more on top of things in the garden, so I’m growing something new.
Potatoes can be planted as soon as the last frosts pass. Find out what to do now to great crop next season!
My main crops are half way through the season and I’m working on setting them up for good bulb growth in the next couple of months.
Low rainfall in summer each year means my garden always suffers. This year, I’m planning to share our water with one bed that really pumps… and grows everything.
A surprisingly simple and satisfying little crop to grow. Find out how to take a small piece from the supermarket and turn it into a year’s supply of ginger!
A look into how I grow, and cook with a selection of some of the herbs growing at The Outpost.
Practically everyone loves strawberries! Learn the important things to know when growing your own.
Ever wanted super-fresh peas? They take a bit of work, but nothing compares. Here’s everything you need to know!