Privacy Policy

I take your privacy seriously. I will never share or sell your contact information, or details about any order with an unnecessary third party.

Mailing list

The Kat’s Garden mailing list sends one email on Sunday when a new blog is published.

You can unsubscribe from the mailing list whenever you want. Any email from me will include an unsubscribe link at the end. This should prevent any further emails.

If you have any trouble, reply to the email to let me know and I’ll take care of it for you.

While I welcome your personal replies to my weekly emails, replying with racism, intolerance, abuse, misinformation, or other inappropriateness will result in your email being removed from the mailing list.


When making a comment on the blog, the form asks for your name, email, and a link to your website. The name and email are compulsory, but the website link is not. You are welcome to choose a pseudonym for your name.

Your first comment will need approval, but subsequent comments should display immediately. When approved, your comment will display your name and any website link. If you have a photo linked to your email via Gravatar, that will also display.

Your email will remain private, however I will have access to this within the WordPress console. Occasionally I may email you about your comment privately to follow up, but your data won’t be passed on or added to any mailing list this way.

I reserve the right to remove links and comments that I deem inappropriate from the comments section. I encourage on-topic debate around the moral, ethical, and environmental issues of farming, but abuse and misinformation will not be tolerated.

Store purchases

When making a purchase through the website, you will be asked to share payment and personal data.

Your payment is handled by Shopify or Paypal (your choice) and I have no access to your credit or debit card details.

Your personal data will only be used for reasons related to your purchase – such as to send your order, and communicate tracking details. You will not be added to any active mailing list after making a purchase.

If you have purchased through another online store that uses the Shopify platform for eCommerce, you may find your information is pre-filled on checkout. This is for your convenience, and the data will not be used for any other purpose than as it relates to your purchase.

You can view Shopify’s customer privacy policy for more about how they handle your data between websites.

Buying A Tree

This functionality is provided by BuyMeACoffee, and your information and account preferences can be updated there.