Gardening Advice

My best tips for making your patch pop!


July in the garden

July in the garden

Winter might be upon us, but there’s still plenty to do in the garden.

Improving soils organically

Improving soils organically

A deep dive into everything you need to know about your garden’s soils and improving them naturally.

June in the garden

June in the garden

Winter doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do in the garden. Find out what needs doing, and what can be planted in June.

Worm farming

Worm farming

A deep dive into all things worm farming.

Cleaning up my rusty tools

Cleaning up my rusty tools

It’s pruning season but my tools are rusty and I can’t afford new ones. So I tried cleaning them up with vinegar.

It’shallot of shallots

It’shallot of shallots

Shallots are one of the easiest things I grow in my garden, with an excellent rate of return.


June in the garden

June in the garden

Winter doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do in the garden. Find out what needs doing, and what can be planted in June.

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April in the garden

April in the garden

Now autumn is in full swing, it’s time to start preparing your winter gardens and putting some care into your fruit trees.

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Seed saving

Seed saving

A deep dive into how to save money by saving seeds from your garden.

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