Gardening Advice

My best tips for making your patch pop!


White Cabbage Butterfly

White Cabbage Butterfly

A deep dive into white butterfly – one of the most common and destructive pests in Kiwi gardens.

Improving soils organically

Improving soils organically

A deep dive into everything you need to know about your garden’s soils and improving them naturally.

Magical mushrooms

Magical mushrooms

Mushrooms are popping up all over our paddock, and we are enjoying the hunt!

Worm farming

Worm farming

A deep dive into all things worm farming.

Seed saving

Seed saving

A deep dive into how to save money by saving seeds from your garden.

Planting comfrey under fruit trees

Planting comfrey under fruit trees

Organic farmers know comfrey as a ‘dynamic accumulator’ – bringing deeply buried nutrients to the surface to feed my fruit trees.

March in the garden

April in the garden

May in the garden


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Each $5 contribution you make means a native tree is planted on our property this winter. Thanks for your support!