Gardening Advice
My best tips for making your patch pop!

White Cabbage Butterfly
A deep dive into white butterfly – one of the most common and destructive pests in Kiwi gardens.

Improving soils organically
A deep dive into everything you need to know about your garden’s soils and improving them naturally.

Magical mushrooms
Mushrooms are popping up all over our paddock, and we are enjoying the hunt!

Worm farming
A deep dive into all things worm farming.

Seed saving
A deep dive into how to save money by saving seeds from your garden.

Planting comfrey under fruit trees
Organic farmers know comfrey as a ‘dynamic accumulator’ – bringing deeply buried nutrients to the surface to feed my fruit trees.

How to make your own pruning paste
Pruning paste is helpful for keeping your fruit trees healthy after pruning.

My first peanut harvest
My first peanut harvest is in!
March in the garden
April in the garden
May in the garden

March in the garden
Not sure what needs doing in your garden this month? I’ve got you covered.

Citrus care guide
A guide to citrus care and common citrus problems in Aotearoa New Zealand.

February in the garden
Harvests are rolling in, and the garden is in full-swing. Here’s how to keep that progress going.

January in the garden
In January, the biggest task is usually dealing with pests. Also, planting leeks.

5 tips for tidying up your bananas
Just a few things I’ve learned about maintaining a productive banana patch.

December in the garden
The most important tasks for December in your garden.

November in the garden
It’s full-steam ahead on all your fresh summer faves.

Four reasons to dig up your compost bin
When was the last time you lifted up your compost bin to see what it’s been up to?

Paper wasps in New Zealand
Polistes paper wasps are introduced pests in New Zealand gardens. Or are they?

October in the garden
It’s heating up this month and there’s plenty to get growing in the garden!