Weekly tales from The Outpost.

Improving soils organically
A deep dive into everything you need to know about your garden’s soils and improving them naturally.

We’re chicken people
Once again, it’s time to top up the chooks, which means baby chickens!

June in the garden
Winter doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do in the garden. Find out what needs doing, and what can be planted in June.

Sweating with Pride: The fences project
We’re out sweating on the paddocks, clearing off the grass and gorse.
It’s raining, it’s pouring
I love rain, but I’m running out of clothes and I need to mow the lawns.
Garlic and rosemary salt
I’m always looking for ways to use and store my garlic. Garlic salt is one of my favourites. The addition of rosemary really makes it pop!
New, new cows
Meet the new herd of cows that arrived at The Outpost this week.
It’shallot of shallots
Shallots are one of the easiest things I grow in my garden, with an excellent rate of return.
Five things I did this summer
A catch-up looking at the things I’ve been up to over the summer break.
The Little Free Mobile Garden Centre
This year I had a a quiet moment of inspiration that spun into something really quite special at Christmas.
Our classic kiwi caravan
I need a non-gardening hobby, so I’m looking to do some restoration work on our 1965 classic kiwi caravan. Come take a peek at her.
An update on the Square Foot Garden
A few months ago I revealed my plans for a square foot garden. So, how are those plans going?
Five things I did this week
What on earth do I do all week? Well, here’s five things I did this week.
Baby chickens!
There’s some new arrivals in our flock!
Garlic development
The garlic should be ready for harvest… but is it?
Inside the gardening bucket
A look at the tools and equipment inside my yellow gardening bucket.
The spring garden
A seasonal tour of the garden: bed-by-bed.
Doin’ it with stile
I built something on the farm and now I don’t have to roll in cow poop!
What do we do with a broken shadehouse?
After a big storm recently, we’ve had to re-evaluate what we do with our shadehouse.
The bush cam
I got a new toy for my birthday and it’s absolutely revolutionised the pest and weed management of our native bush.
The dreaded garlic rust
One of the worst things that could happen to a garlic grower has struck us this year: rust. So, what will I do?
Planting potatoes
Potatoes can be planted as soon as the last frosts pass. Find out what to do now to great crop next season!