Gardening Advice
My best tips for making your patch pop!

Harvesting and storing potatoes
We eat a lot of potatoes, so we grow a lot of potatoes. Here’s how we harvest and store them to feed us through winter.

Everything I know about planting garlic
Everything I’ve learned about getting a successful garlic harvest in the ground.

Constant Coriander
If you love coriander, then having constant, fresh leaves in your garden can be a nirvana-state. Find out how to achieve it!

Growing Strawberries
Practically everyone loves strawberries! Learn the important things to know when growing your own.
March in the garden
April in the garden
May in the garden

5 tips for tidying up your bananas
Just a few things I’ve learned about maintaining a productive banana patch.

December in the garden
The most important tasks for December in your garden.

November in the garden
It’s full-steam ahead on all your fresh summer faves.

Four reasons to dig up your compost bin
When was the last time you lifted up your compost bin to see what it’s been up to?

September in the garden
Heading into spring the garden jobs begin to build up. Find out what needs doing in September.

White Cabbage Butterfly
A deep dive into white butterfly – one of the most common and destructive pests in Kiwi gardens.

The second peanut harvest
Results from my second season growing peanuts.

August in the garden
We’re at the tail-end of winter rolling towards spring, and things are heating back up.

July in the garden
Winter might be upon us, but there’s still plenty to do in the garden.

Improving soils organically
A deep dive into everything you need to know about your garden’s soils and improving them naturally.