Spring updates

Spring updates

Things keep ticking along here at The Outpost, so how are all those projects going?

An update post

An update post

A collection of updates about eggs, chickens, worms, weather, and garlic.

Max chicken

Max chicken

We’ve had a bit of a poultry shuffle. The ducks have found a better home, and we’ve gone max chicken!

Citrus meringue pie

Citrus meringue pie

A light and deceptively simple dessert that can be made in a range of flavour combinations depending on what’s available and what sounds yum!

The eggless chickens

The eggless chickens

Every year about this time, our chickens stop laying eggs. Each year I swear I’ll be ready for it the next, but it always, always seems to catch me by surprise. One day we’ll look in the cupboard and there’s no eggs. Our supply is dry. It’s...
The egg thief

The egg thief

It turns out our dog, Roxy, and our free-range chickens are… not a good fit.

New chick in town

New chick in town

Lady Gaga (the chicken) has gone broody, so we’re giving her the gift of motherhood this Christmas!