
Weekly tales from The Outpost.

Why I don’t keep bees

Why I don’t keep bees

You’d think with so much native bush (and with more trees planted each year), we might put in a few bee hives at The Outpost. But we won’t be. Here’s why.

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Project grow-a-mango

Project grow-a-mango

This week I spent $13 on a piece of fruit – and it was worth every cent. But can I grow good mangoes in New Zealand? Well, I’m going to give it a try!

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Let’s go fly a kite

Let’s go fly a kite

It’s taken nearly 3 years but I realised that all our space and wind make a fantastic combination for kite flying, so I bought a kite.

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Max chicken

Max chicken

We’ve had a bit of a poultry shuffle. The ducks have found a better home, and we’ve gone max chicken!

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Spraying gorses

Spraying gorses

Gorse is an unfortunate reality of owning farmland in New Zealand. This week I got out and sprayed some.

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