I wasn’t much of a raw-veggie kinda gal as a child. But one thing I always really loved was my Gran’s quick pickle.

And I have spent time as an adult every-so-often attempting to recreate it. When the Garden Gods align to give me red onion and fresh cucumber at the same time, then I find myself craving this.

But it’s never been quite right. Until recently, when I thought to ask my aunt who told me the ingredient I was missing… was water.

Anyway, this week I had both red onion and fresh cucumber in the garden. And it’s been so muggy that I wanted some light, cold, no-cook veggie options to snack on. So I thought I’d share it here this week.

You could use other vegetables if you wish, I have a vague recollection Gran usually made this with tomato slices for the rest of the family, and made my version without because I still to this day don’t like raw tomatoes.

Anyway. Enough of my life story—on with the food!


Sliced cucumber (peel if desired)

Sliced red onion rings

Equal parts boiling water and malt vinegar (¼ cup of each is sufficient for 2 people)

1 teaspoon sugar for every ½ cup of liquid (optional)


Place hot water and sugar into a bowl, stir to dissolve sugar.

Add vinegar and stir.

Slice your vegetables to 1-2mm. I like to use about 2:1 ratio of cucumber to red onion, but you do you.

Add your vegetables to the vinegar mix. The veggies should be covered with liquid. 

Cover the dish and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

Eat within a day.