THREE WIVES OF JOHN WILLIAM LEWIS - PLAIN TEXT TRANSCRIPTIONS 27 NOVEMBER 1913 - NEW ZEALAND TIMES, PAGE 2 Jessie Ann Lewis proceeded against her husband, John William Lewis, for a separation order and maintenance on the grounds of persistent cruelty. Mr G. Samuel defended and Mr P.W. Jackson appeared for the complainant. After hearing the evidence the case was adjourned until Saturday morning, when medical testimony will be taken. 8 AUGUST 1916 - EVENING POST, PAGE 2 In the case of Jessie Anne Lewis v John William Lewis, the former sought separation and maintenance on the grounds of "mental and physical cruelty." After hearing the evidence, the Magistrate granted separation and ordered defendant to contribute 12s per week for his wife's maintenance. Mr J.S. Barton appeared for the complainant, and Mr H.F. O'Leary for the defendant. 10 NOVEMBER 1920 - EVENING POST, PAGE 6 Headline: Desertion and Unfaithfulness Desertion was pleaded by Jessie Annie Lewis (Mr P.W. Jackson) in asking for a divorce from John William Lewis. She stated that she married respondent in April, 1899, and there were five children of the marriage. She got separation orders from her husband in 1913 and 1916, and since the latter date had not been suported by him. Respondent, she added, was now living with another woman. A decree nisi was granted on the usual terms. LEWIS V LEWIS, 1920, PAGE 5 JOHN WILLIAM LEWIS of Upper Hutt in the Dominion of New Zealand Farmer. Whereas JESSIE ANNIE LEWIS of Wellington Married woman claiming to have been lawfully married to you has filed her petition against you in our said Court praying for a dissolution of her marriage with you wherein she alleges that you have been guilty of disertion of her for a period of three years and upwards without just cause and have been guilty of adultery with one Mrs Peterson. LEWIS V LEWIS, 1920, PAGE 8 The 29th day of October 1920. The Respondent in answer to the Petition herein denies that he ever committed adultery with the Mrs Peterson therein mentioned. LEWIS V LEWIS, 1920, PAGE 36 2. After her said marriage the Petitioner lived and cohabited with her said husband in Wellington, Johnsonville, Whiteman's Valley and Upper Hutt, all in New Zealand and the Petitioner and her said husband have had issue of their said marriage five children to wit:- Mona Elizabeth Lewis born on the 28th. day of October 1899, John William Henry Lewis born on the 12th. day of January 1901, Frederick Lewis born on the 23rd. day of January 1902, Abrata Blanch Jackson Lewis born on the 23rd. day of January 1903 and Evelyn Lewis born on the 18th. day of January 1907. LEWIS V LEWIS, 1920, PAGE 36 (ARTICLE 3) 3. That on or about the 16th. day of August 1916 the said John William Lewis wilfully deserted the Petitioner without just cause and for three years and upwards namely from that date fown to the present time has continued to desert the Petitioner without cause The circumstances of such desertion are as follows:- On the 7th. day of August 1916 Magistrates Court holden at Wellington the Petitioner was granted an (continues next image) LEWIS V LEWIS, 1920, PAGE 37 (continues from previous image) Order of Separation against the said John William Lewis and the said John William Lewis was ordered to pay the sum of 15/- per week for the maintenance of the Petitioner the first payment of which was to be made on the 8th. day of August 1916. That the said John William Lewis has paid the sum of ₤1; 5; - only under the said order. 4. That since about the month of June 1919 down to the date of the presentation of this Petition the Petitioner's said husband John William Lewis has continuously lived in adultery with one Mrs Peterson at the Upper Hutt. 17 FEBRUARY 1927, FIELDING STAR, PAGE 8 On account of the sordidness of certain evidence to be given in the Lewis v. Lewis case, in which Harriet Lewis sought an order for separation and maintenance from her husband, John Lewis, on the grounds of cruelty, the Court was ordered to be cleared for the hearing. Mr Graham appeared for the complainant and Mr Pagan for the defendant. A separation order was made and maintenance for the wife fixed at 20s per week and 5s per week for each of three childred. Lewis was further ordered to pay certain costs. 1 SEPTEMBER 1927, MANAWATU STANDARD, PAGE 8 Maintenance Cases For disobedience of a maintenance order in respect of his wife and three children, John William Lewis was convicted and ordered to come up for sentence at any time within twelve months on condition that ₤15 be paid forthwith off the arreas of ₤25, due up to the date of the issue of the summons in June, on the order and that the order as varied to be complied with. Costs amounting to ₤2 2s were entered. A request for a variation of the maintenance order made in respect of his wife and three children was lodged by John William Lewis. Mr Taylor appeared for the complainant and Mr Graham for the defendant. Mr Graham stated that since the original order was made one of the children had died, but this had not made complainant seem any more willing to meet his obligations and over ₤50 arrears were owing on the order to date. His client, counsel said, was in an extremely destitute condition. Mr Taylor stated that Lewis had been out of work and had found it impossible to pay under the present order. The orders were varied to 10s per week for his wife and 5s per week for each of the surviving two children. 29 FEBRUARY 1928, NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZZETTE, PAGE 147 Fielding. - 16th instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the suport of his wife, John William Lewis, age fifty-on, height 5 ft. 7 in., carpenter and labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion, bushy black hair, brown eyes, varicose vein in inside of right calf; rolling gait. Arrears to 26th ultimo, ₤6. (hand written added "arrested 14-3-28"). 14 MARCH 1928, NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZZETTE, PAGE 185 Fielding. - John William Lewis, failing to maintain, has been arrested by the Havelock North police. (See Police Gazzette, 1928, page 148.)